Richard Burk – Director Traffic and Civil Services Pty Ltd
Richard has over 30 years of experience in the traffic and civil engineering disciplines and has worked in state, local and private sector as a Roads and Traffic Engineer in Tasmania. He is passionate about traffic engineering being an industry that proactively saves lives by providing safe, efficient and forgiving roads and traffic facilities.
Previous employers include:
- Department of State Growth (DSG) – Manager Traffic Engineering (5 years to May 2017),
- DSG Manager Traffic – North and Traffic Engineer (5 years)
- Sinclair Knight Merz – Senior Civil Engineer (3 years)
- Launceston City Council – Roads and Traffic Engineer (5 years)
- West Tamar Council – Civil Engineer (6 years)
- Department of Main Roads – Project Engineer (6 years)
Previously as Manager Traffic Engineering at the Department of State Growth Tasmania, Richard was responsible for a team of traffic engineers and practitioners across the State with the following functions:
- Representing the Department on Council traffic committees to achieve the common goal of improving road safety on the Tasmanian Road Network in line with Council’s objectives and the State Government’s Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy.
- Regulation and implementation of traffic facilities and schemes in accordance with the Traffic Act, Road Rules, Australian Standards and Austroads Guidelines.
- Resolution of technical and stakeholder issues arising from traffic management proposals and following approval processes for issue of permits and approvals.
- Assessment and administration of Blackspot and Vulnerable Road User submissions for funding.
- Development of technical guidelines.
- Undertaking road corridor studies, Safe System Assessments investigation of speed limits.
- Administration of regulatory devices such as signs and linemarking.
Other previous roles a include representing the Department of Sate Growth on panels include:
- Austroads Network Taskforce
- Austroads Traffic Management Working Group
- Roads Authority Pavement Marking Working Group.
Richard has been employed in Local Government and the Private Sector as a senior civil engineer and been responsible for infrastructure management involving:
- asset management systems
- identifying and scoping infrastructure projects
- developing and justifying works programmes
- project management and contract administration to deliver projects to schedule, design, scope and budget.

BE Civil – University of Tasmania 1987
- Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Deakin University 1995
- Master of Traffic – Monash University 2004
- Member of Engineers Australia, CPEng
Specialist Skills
- Intersection Analysis – SIDRA INTERSECTION
- Road Safety Audit – registered VicRoads Road Safety Auditor
- Safe Systems Assessment framework
- ViDA iRAP road safety analysis including AusRAP Star Rating assessment
- Traffic Management Plans – Prepare and implement traffic man. plans
- Quality Systems
- Project Management
- Road Asset Management
- Contract Administration